OTT & Transmedia : Asking questions about convergence culture by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

Asking questions about convergence culture

This article was written by my friend Richard Wallis back in 2011.

I had been talking to him about Henry Jenkins’ work on the subject and he’d forgotten he’d written this piece, during the days of the Arab Spring.

It considers many aspects of Transmedia and convergence culture and it seems even now, some twelve years later, we are still finding our way out of the mass media created by the few, and to what is termed as ‘loser-generated content’.

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Asking questions about convergence culture
Asking questions about convergence culture
I was recently talking to a group of undergraduate students about 'convergence culture'. It's a term associated particularly with Henry Jenkins and the Comparative Media Studies work coming out of MIT…
Debbie Croysdale

@Geoff Thanks for share. Never before did we have so many tech tools, some freely accessible, to reach so many yet surprisingly the vacuum of power between the established wealthy & newer content creators has not shifted as way much as presumed. Agree that “fleeting” participation on many platforms is a factor. Tight & persistent collaboration is needed to turn more niche markets into any type of business model or movement. Established studios/franchises etc have funds to commoditise their ideas. Major adverts in public places, games & merchandise is a far cry from word pad stories, facebook watch, podcasts etc. yet many Indie artist’s work pays off by building fan bases, a successful self publishing or investor strategy. A weapon in the arsenal is to create pre awareness & I.P. growth. Execs/middle managers/producers usually won’t risk being put on the line for unknowns but risk is mitigated by high levels of pre awareness in an already over saturated market. We can all bypass the gatekeepers now but still leaves the question who will buy our work?

Geoff Hall

Debbie Croysdale yes, indeed Debbie. I agree that the power shift hasn’t happened and I’m aware of this every day. The tools may have grown, but the finance is still in a place that modern day, Transmedia content providers can’t reach.

Pre-awareness. Tell me about it, but there’s no easy way to do that either. Forgive me if I sound forlorn or not brimming over with positivity, but we are come close to the bah humbug season!

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