OTT & Transmedia : Script software for VR by Kimberley Kaiserman

Kimberley Kaiserman

Script software for VR

Last I checked, there was no scriptwriting software for VR. I have a screenwriting background and use Final Draft. How are scripts dealt with in VR/immersive? Thanks for any help

Maurice Vaughan

I write my VR scripts like regular scripts, Kimberley Kaiserman, but I label the VR shots and normal shots in my VR scripts. I've attached a page from one of my VR scripts. And I use Final Draft too (Final Draft 12).

Kimberley Kaiserman

Thanks Maurice Vaughan - super helpful!

Kimberley Kaiserman

How did you sell your first VR script, or get a foot in the door, if I may ask?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Kimberley Kaiserman. I haven't sold a VR script. Selling a VR script should be like selling any script: building relationships/networking to find the right producer, director, etc. for the script or winning a contest that gets you meetings with industry professionals (

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