OTT & Transmedia : Set Yourself Up For Success With The 9th Annual November Write Club by Emily J! by Leonardo Ramirez

Leonardo Ramirez

Set Yourself Up For Success With The 9th Annual November Write Club by Emily J!

We’ll be officially launching November Write Club next week on Wednesday, November 1, here on the blog. When we do, your first task will be to state your November goal.

For more, check out Emily’s blog post here:

Elaine Haygood

I won't be part of this year's Write Club as I don't know if a graphic novel would count.

Maurice Vaughan

A graphic novel counts, @Elaine Haygood. Your goal for November Write Club doesn't have to be a writing goal. It can be any goal.

Elaine Haygood

Well. Then, I guess I better head over.

Leonardo Ramirez

Curious about your graphic novel now, Elaine Haygood. My first was a graphic novel.

Maurice Vaughan

I saw you posted your goals in the November Write Club Challenge Lounge, @Elaine Haygood. That's fine, but the main place to post your goals and progress is the November Write Club blog ( The blog is also what Stage 32 checks when they give out prizes.

Elaine Haygood

{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}} Thanks, Maurice!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Elaine Haygood.

Geoff Hall

Hey, November Write club members. How have you got on with your targets, this month?

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for asking, Geoff Hall. My November Write Club goal was to outline a micro-budget feature script, write the first draft, and finish two rewrite drafts.

I had some setbacks:

#1) I got a late start at the beginning of November because of a cold.

#2) I ran into story problems with my first outline and after trying to figure out the problems, I switched to a different script idea and outlined that.

#3) I got another cold last week, which I thought was gonna be a quick cold, but I still have it. Hopefully it'll be gone this weekend.

#4) Other things came up that kept me from working on my goal.

Despite the setbacks, I made progress on my NWC goal! I outlined two feature scripts (the original idea I had and the new idea I switched to because of setback #2), and I wrote 13 pages in my script (13 rewritten pages).

I also worked on a pitch deck job, networked in between my November Write Club goal, and I did a deep rewrite on a feature script yesterday/today.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan well done, Maurice, that’s great to hear that you’ve made progress with your targets. Not so much then like a downhill skiing event where the fastest wins, but more of a slalom where you have to navigate numerous gates to stay on track. Huzzah, Maurice!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Geoff Hall. I really appreciate it. I'm thinking about switching to a different script for December (than my NWC script). Either way, I'm gonna get some writing done!

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan nice one!

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