Please show your support for 1st time filmmaker, my friend nicole kian sadighi. | Kristina Hughes

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Please show your support for 1st time filmmaker, my friend Nicole Kian Sadighi.

Please show your support for 1st time filmmaker, my friend Nicole Kian Sadighi. You can follow the production as it graces the festival circuit by going here: I Am Neda is the true story of Neda Agha Soltan who fearlessly pursues the cause of freedom in defiance of tyranny and oppression. June 2009 marked another turning point for Iranians, when mass anti government protests erupted across major cities in Iran, following the June 12 rigged Iranian presidential election against the disputed victory of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadabad, which came to be known as the Green Movement. These events provoked the government to declare war on its own people and the world became a witness to some of the most horrific acts that were shown daily through major news outlets, twitter reports and even You Tube. Many innocent Iranians were, imprisoned, tortured, raped and killed for standing up for their basic human rights in nonviolent civil disobedience. This story is centered on one ordinary yet courageous young woman on the backdrop of extraordinary circumstances, who has since become the symbol and face of this movement News reports regarding Neda soon went viral across the globe through leading news outlets and online social media. Everyone from CNN, Fox, BBC, Reuters, AP, AFP, London Times, Life Magazine, the group U2 and even President Obama commented and paid homage to Nedas story - the girl whose face will always be remembered from You Tube. She became one of Time Magazine's person of the year, The London Times also named her person of the year. Oxford University even named a scholarship after her. Neda's impact on the Green movement in Iran which launched the Arab Spring in the Middle East, has made her the face of Irans freedom movement and with it a legacy that history must never be forget. The making of this trailer is the sole property of Persepolis Pictures and Nicole Kian-Sadighi. PERSEPOLIS PICTURES AND NICOLE SADIGHI IS THE AUTHOR AND CREATOR OF THIS MOTION PICTURE AND TRAILER AND ALL MATERIAL FOR PURPOSE OF THE BERNE CONVENTION AND ALL NATIONAL LAWS GIVING EFFECT THERETO AND FOR THE PURPOSES OF COPYRIGHT LAW AND OTHER LAWS IN THE U.S.A. THIS MOTION PICTURE AND TRAILER AND ALL MATERIAL IS PROTECTED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER COUNTRIES AND THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. ANY UNAUTHORIZED DUPLICATION, AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OR EXHIBITION MAY RESULT IN CIVIL LIABILITY AND CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.

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