"Kitchen Man" (Bessie Smith) and "The Ladies Who Lunch" (Stephen Sondheim). Andrew Cooke's annual studio cabaret in the Fireside Theatre at Chanhassen Dinner...
Short film by The Produccers, LLC. I do not own this material or any rights to it. Director: Austin Anderson; Assistant Dir.: Kirstie House; Writer-Creative Director Jason Schumacher; DP: Ellie Drews....
Travel Leaders: "Road Warriors," 2017. I'm the snarky gate desk attendant. The lovely redhead is Ms. Dawn Kronowski, also of Minneapolis. Director/Writer Matt Genesis; Executive Producer Pete Snell; L...
"Kitchen Man" (Bessie Smith) and "The Ladies Who Lunch" (Stephen Sondheim). Andrew Cooke's annual studio cabaret in the Fireside Theatre at Chanhassen Dinner...