Fbi click - the shortest movie in the world | Jonathan Maxwell Reeves

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Jonathan Maxwell Reeves

FBI Click - The Shortest Movie In The World

FBI Click is (probably) the shortest movie in the world...at least the shortest one with a dialogue and a story. The story is about a weird guy, with an extremely long nose, wearing Ray-Ban glasses from the 80's. The guy is dressed up as an FBI agent. When he turns to the camera something really strange happens... SOME FACTS ABOUT FBI CLICK The duration of the movie is 10 seconds INCLUDING main title and end title. It took exactly 7 minutes and 12 seconds to shoot. 16 takes were made (mostly due traffic sounds and even an airplane flying over as usual). The budget was 0.00$. FBI Click has one line of dialogue played by 1 actor. The actor's nose is not really that long, it's made from latex. The movie was produced by 1 producer. There was 1 camera operator. It was edited in less than 10 minutes It took less than 30 seconds to come up with the idea, and the screenplay was written in 10 seconds. There's no music, because that was way too expensive concerning copyrights. There's one sound effect included...try to find it. 1 animal was harmed during filming...a bloody mosquito. Wrong time, wrong place ! The character appearing in this work is fictitious. Any resemblance to a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. (besides they wont let you in at the FBI Academy with such a big nose ! ) THE TRUTH ABOUT FBI CLICK In fact FBI Click is not made with the intention to be a movie. NO ! FBI Click is a public statement ! As a creative person I have so many ideas for movies, tv series, dozens of screenplays, a showcase with more than 45 television formats, but whenever I talk with a producer (if I can get as far as his or her office) it's always the same story. There's no money to produce your work or they say 'who are you, we never heard of you.' (Meaning : You're not famous enough) Fortunately we have this great invention called YouTube ! A true playgarden for creative people. A place where everybody can show the world what he or she can create. Thank you Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim to come up with this great platform. You guys have earned your chair in heaven (and billions of dollars too, but that's a detail) So many of us are working very hard to write a brilliant screenplay, they search for great actors to play the parts, they're filming for days sometimes in hard and dangerous conditions. It takes nights to edit everything, to add the right music but then finally after weeks of hard work you can upload that masterpiece...just to see that a few weeks later your masterpiece has been seen by less than 100 people. People on YouTube don't want to see quality. They want to see people falling from stairs or buildings, car crashes, stupid pranks, video's of people talking to their cat or dog, people who complain for a full 15 minutes about everything that happened to them today or even worse people who start singing or dancing while they absolutely can't sing or dance. The rule on YouTube today is : The more stupid, the more views. Thousands or even millions in just a few days time. So with FBI Click I decided to give the YouTube audience what they want...something really stupid ! Let's consider FBI Click an experiment too. Two options. 1) FBI Click gets 1 million views in just a week time and/or 5 million views or more in less than a month. That proves I'am right. People on YouTube only want to see stupid things, quality is not or less imporant. Stupid things are scoring, creative things don't. In the case FBI Click gets 1 million views in less than a week, I'll make a sequel, FBI Click II : The return of Clickman. If FBI Click reaches 5 million or more views in less than a month...I'll ask Peter Jackson to make a trilogy of it... 2) If FBI Click gets less than 100 views it's means I'am completely wrong. I really hope so, because that means there's still hope for all the creative people among us. Thank you for reading and of course for watching FBI click, the shortest movie in the world, and one hell of a public statement !

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