Our move to mexico episode 1 - "lots of stuff" | Christopher Moshier

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Christopher Moshier

Our Move To Mexico Episode 1 - "Lots of Stuff"

Welcome to Our Move to Mexico Episode 1. It was truly a spur of the moment idea as I was about to start listing my collectibles on eBay and from the corner of my eye was my Sony HD mini-cam. Deb has been talking about moving to Mexico for a couple months and for those couple months I've debated internally if I should just start selling my stuff online to pay off debt. The day I sat down and finally decided to sell my stuff I'd seen the camera out of the corner of my eye. I just thought it would be a cool idea to start documenting the whole process. I mean - what if we actually retired to Mexico. I'm not saying it is going to happen, but what if we did and I had this whole story of that journey to document. It really got my creative juices flowing so I thought, "What the hell. Let me capture that journey." This channel is going to be a work in progress. I know through editing the first episode my camera skills need some work and I'm kind of a dry talker. I've never tried anything like a YouTube channel before so I do have to punch it up a notch or two or one hundred. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ourmovetomexico TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ourmovetomexico OFFICIAL SITE: http://www.ourmovetomexico.com Opening Theme Music: "Down in Tombstone" by LaDukeMedia http://audiojungle.net/user/LaDukeMedia Permissions granted courtesy of AudioJungle. Additional music provided by Pinnacle Studio 17.

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