18th on stage with rb - november 2015 | Stage 32 Staff - Julie

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Stage 32 Staff - Julie
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18th On Stage with RB - November 2015

The November 2015 edition of On Stage With RB was a 3-hour affair! Joining RB was Jaia Thomas, leading entertainment attorney who assists clients with transactional and intellectual property matters. She regularly counsels filmmakers and producers on all aspects of film financing, production and distribution, with an expertise in copyright protection and how it affects the television, film, and new media industries. She also regularly assists content creators with federal copyright registration and licensing.

Jaia and RB went over:

  • What is the burden of proof on the idea of someone who thinks that their idea was stolen?
  • What is the line between based on true events based on rights?
  • What happens when filmmakers want to use certain popular songs in their films.

Plus, RB also had on Max Adams - a screenwriter, author, mentor, and teacher who was dubbed “Red Hot Adams” by Daily Variety for selling three pitches over a Christmas holiday. Plus, she has worked with Universal, Sony, Disney, Paramount and more! In this fun interview they went over:

  • Studio-wise everything is high-concept, what is your definition of a high concept?
  • What is the ideal length of scripts, are they expecting to be shorter?
  • Writers are getting more sophisticated with structure that is more complex than the old Field model of 30/60/30. Or need to be.
  • Television is a faster growing market than features. And there are more avenues opening up with Netflix and Amazon and HBO doing their own programming.
  • How do films like "Carol", which is big budget, big names, but very unconventional story work?

After these great interviews, RB opened up the floor for over 2 hours of Q&A with the Stage 32 community including these questions:

  • What is the key to pitching a project and getting it picked up? How Long should it be? Is there a Template you work with?
  • Are streaming channels doing more daring work than film studios these days?
  • I’ve just finished producing a full length feature with great cast attached and I'm looking for post monies and was offered a distribution deal which includes post monies.....wondering if I should shop around more or go with the first offer which actually seems pretty great...even though this is a new , up and coming company without a huge track record, but then again neither do I.
  • What does it mean for a script to have franchise potential?
  • What is the best way to attach an actor/actress to your first play if they're on their Facebook friend's list, but you don't really interact with them?
  • Thank you for hosting a great film part at the Austin Film Festival. What was the single worst moment you witnessed of an amateur screenwriter at the Austin Film Fest and what was the best moment?
  • When do life rights become public domain--as in writing about a criminal that has died over thirty years ago--do I need to get life rights?
  • When it comes to being a creative and romantic relationships (that would limit relocation for example) etc., can you give any advice to make your ambitions and your relationship work at the same time?
  • As an aspiring producer, where's the best place to find finished feature scripts for the purpose of optioning?
  • Does it help to make a short teaser piece to include in a Pitch package for a feature film?
  • I have a SAG actor who would like to work on my show as a talk show host, which airs on a Public Access channel. We of course do not pay actors, hosts, or the production crew any money. Can I have her on air as a host? Or will I run into any problems?
  • Do you know what percentage of studios utilize those with developmental disorders to work on major production projects either in film or TV. What are the challenges facing those wanting to create a career in production?
  • Are there any free resources online that you could recommend that might help writers with the art of pitching, maybe some videos.
  • What do you think about the importance of drafting a structure for a screenplay before actually starting to write? Thanks.
  • In terms of transmedia stories - the old models of screenwriting (McKee) would have us believe that backstory is unimportant, because if it's important to the story it should be in there. But with transmedia there's an awful lot of accent on backstory, as a way of creating audience participation. Will transmedia change the way we tell stories in films?
  • A recap of Stage 32 Short Film program at the Raindance Film Festival.
  • How important is it to live in LA or NYC if you want to be a working screenwriter?
  • As a content creator working for my own company if I want to work in the industry would having a degree or an internship be necessary?
  • Does the Writer’s Guild America offer their services on an international level? I live in Germany, if I copyright my work with the WGA-West will it be valid?
  • If a Producer requests to read your script, and you send it to him, what happens if you do not hear from them again?
  • Are there any free websites to find free music?
  • Do you recommend a first time writer seek collaboration with an experienced writer?
  • Where it comes to short films - does protagonist have to reach their goal to make it interesting to watch?
  • I’m ready to go out to pitch. My producer had me put together Story Bible, Look Book and 24 Episodes... Do I still need to have a script ready as well? I have several companies that have interest, but do you think they would have more interest with a script ready for them to review also?
  • Should any added protections be taken when pitching online rather than in person?
  • What is the best way to deal with a script that is connected with a novel written by the same person but using a pen name? Will there be copyright issues?
  • I follow you on social media and you seem to be everywhere this year! What has been your favorite festival?
  • Top secret world of finding those golden investors....any tips?
  • Are streaming channels doing more daring work than film studios these days?
  • What do you see happening with the Spanish-speaking media entertainment in the next five years?
  • Hi everyone. Not a question but I would like to send a shoutout to my fellow screenwriter Beth for starting the November Write Club.. It's been an amazing experience, a great motivator, and most importantly it highlights just how strong the Stage32 community is, and what can be accomplished when creatives get together to motivate, support, and help each other. None of this would be possible without Stage32, so kudos to Beth, all of you, and all the writers out there who share and support each other in this crazy passion.
  • From a marketing view, we have 500,000 people in our media group, what do you consider the saturation point for our group, and what other growth ideas do you have the future of Stage 32?
  • I just want to know if one is pitching to an exec, is it okay to keep a shirt unbuttoned down a bit for sex appeal? Just like RB is wearing his right now.

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