"the monster hash" (slightly nsfw!) | Chris Wilding

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Chris Wilding

"The Monster Hash" (slightly NSFW!)

PLEASE LIKE AND COMMENT ***SUBSCRIBE TO US ON YOUTUBE**** Join Kount Karpula in this 420 friendly parody of "The Monster Mash" as he sings about his favourite midnight snack... not blood, HASH! For more prank calls, song parodies and general mayhem SUBSCRIBE TO US ON ITUNES HERE: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/bi-quarterly-womens-social/id492454037 (PLEASE RATE AND REVIEW US ON iTUNES!) Written & Directed by: Chris Wilding Edited by: Chris Wilding & Chris Goldsmith LYRICS: I was laying in my bed late one night When my eyes beheld a tragic sight For the weed I had just bought was on the wane But I did not fret or go insane I found some hash It was my secret stash (My sticky hash) I like it more than gash (Give me some hash) Suffering succotash (I'm gonna crash) After I smoke my hash Weeds all fun as are PC games But I love hash, makes me feel no pain Yeah I dig food but let's keep it real Hash never gave me C. Difficile (Oh give me hash) I have a bit of cash (Just need that hash) Don't throw it in the trash (I want your hash) And if I come off brash It's cause that hash Relieves my chaffing rash. Ohhh Hasssshhh ooooo Need hasshhh ooooooo AHHHH OHHHHHhhhh VISIT our TUMBLR HERE: www.bqwsc.tumblr.com STREAM ALL PODCAST EPISODES HERE: http://bqwsc.tumblr.com/player CHECK OUT OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE @: www.bqwsc.tumblr.com !!! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF KOUNT KARPULA? E-Mail your feedback/questions/cutting remarks to: "biquarterly@gmail.com"

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