Mr. chibbs (2017) basketball is easy, life is hard | Jill A Campbell

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Jill A Campbell

Mr. Chibbs (2017) Basketball is Easy, Life is Hard

Ten years after retirement from a career as a professional athlete, Kenny Anderson finds that basketball is easy, it’s life that’s hard. Still reeling from his mother’s death, the former New York City high-school prodigy and NBA All-Star loses a cherished coaching position, sending him into a midlife crisis. Facing his personal demons head-on, the charismatic Anderson must come to terms with his past in order to find a way forward. Jill Campbell (Director, Producer, Writer) Producers Barry Greenstein, Gregory Gerhard; editor Paul Lovelace; cinematographer Nelson Walker; subjects Kenny Anderson, Natasha Anderson, Nate Tiny Archibald, Eric Williams, Dennis Scott, Brian Oliver, Bobby Cremins.

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