Kay 施长礼-we are one(海洋保护主题曲) | Kay Sik

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Kay Sik

Kay 施长礼-We Are One(海洋保护主题曲)

It's been an honor to work with Ocean Project,and I'm glad that BEAM Connections is one of the partners that giving out all kinds of supports in knowing about trashes are polluting are ocean every seconds.This is one of my production in my brand new album-Genesis 再次有着荣幸制作海洋主题曲,主要是想告诉大家,环保从你我做起。每分每秒垃圾都在污染我们的海洋,今天垃圾,海洋物种,温室效应似乎和你我没有这什么交集,但是我们的地球每一天都在承受着很沉重任务,去让大地万物有着存在与生存的能力。We Are One主要是叙述海洋污染与环保方案需要被关注的重要讯息!此作品收录在我的新专辑-创施纪。希望大家都能够为地球出一份力,环保真心从你我做起。

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