From The Bottom Up is a docu- series created by Nicci Gilbert- Daniels and executive produced by Queen Latifah and Flavor Unit and James DuBose, DuBose Media Group The series airs on BET Her. T...
"If I were writing a script I wouldn’t have been able to do what happened naturally in each of these shows ..." -- James DuBose. "Trey Songz: My Moment is a docu-series taking fans on the road as Tr...
The High Price I Had To Pay 4 drops Monday January 9th, 2017 #Us as #women have to recognize our worth. Some of these #girls love their man more then they lo...
From The Bottom Up is a docu- series created by Nicci Gilbert- Daniels and executive produced by Queen Latifah and Flavor Unit and James DuBose, DuBose Media Group The series airs on BET Her. T...