Unfounded | Marcus KIhn

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Marcus KIhn


This is a short film I scored earlier this year for a film maker from Iran. This is the synoposis: Unfounded Log line: How real is your fear? Synopsis: She runs in the streets of a small community when she discovers another runner in the dark. Director’s Statement: Unfounded is about the duality of being an independent woman capable of facing anything that life throws at you and at the same time feeling uncomfortable and in need of protection. Director’s Bio: Amir Zoveini has studied cinema for more than a decade, beginning in an Iranian private institution, Moaser. After that he has moved to US where he continued his studies at University of California, Irvine with a Bachelor in Film and Media Studies. Then he moved on to earn two master degrees from Chapman University: MFA in Film and Television Producing and MBA. Unfounded is Amir Zoveini's directorial debut.

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