Corazon de cuba | official teaser [hd] | english | Jovanni Santos Graupera

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Jovanni Santos Graupera

Corazon De Cuba | Official Teaser [HD] | English

cuba #santos #yeslord Corazon De Cuba Follow Us ► [Facebook] ► [Instagram] ► [IMDB] PRODUCTION: AngelDust FilmWorks PRODUCERS: Jovanni Santos GENRE: History/ Documentary COUNTRY: USA DIRECTOR: Jovanni Santos Graupera @giojov MUSIC: SEAN BECCARIA @whoisnarkojeffe SYNOPSIS Francisco Graupera returns to Cuba with a look back on his life in the history of Cuba's Revolution. This documentary brings to light the common misconception of the struggles and truths about living in communism. © All Rights Reserved AngelDust FilmWorks
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