Vip film & tv summit producer's workshop | Ron Newcomb

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Here is 1 of the VIP Film and TV Summit Friday (Optional/Add-on) Workshops! If you bought a ticket to the main event, it's just +$25, but we are now offering limited seats for just the Friday workshop...

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Ron Newcomb

VIP Film & TV Summit Producer's Workshop

THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PRODUCERS' 7 CORE PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES By: John L. Lee, Jr. DO YOU MINIMIZE YOUR INVESTORS’ RISK TO 20% OR LESS? DO YOU SET THE DISTRIBUTION OF EACH PICTURE EARLY IN DEVELOPMENT? ARE YOU WORKING IN A FULLY FUNDED MULTI-PICTURE ENVIRONMENT? If you answered “no” to any of these questions, reserve your seat now! You will learn: Learn the philosophy, principles, and practices used by the motion picture industry’s strongest and most profitable independent producers. Get to know the business structures and operations of the film industry's elite core of “balanced producers" who deliver most of the pictures released and who sustain a balance between creativity, audience, and profitability. Discover how to predictably receive major studio distribution and bank production financing for every picture you produce. Shif t f rom single picture to multiple picture d evelopment and production slates. Employ the elements used by studios to determine a picture’s greenlight ability, and set up your own internal green-light system to test your pictures. Understand the process associated with engaging pre-development global distribution relationships, and how to mature them sufficiently to extract the presales essential for bank-provided production funding. Use the private investor development funding plan that returns their investment before production or distribution of the pictures. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the operations and relationships that the most successful producers have with the various participants in the motion picture industry, especially domestic and foreign studios, banks, private investors, talent, completion guarantors, agencies and attorneys. You will have learned how to secure each picture ’s financial success before its production.

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