Skateboard bandits | Rich Tola

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Rich Tola

Skateboard Bandits

Hey everyone, thanks for watching my first short film and Winner, Special Mention at the 2019 Global Shorts Festival. Also check out my newest short, Zen Diaries: The Lockdown - Winner, Honorable Mention at the 2019 Global Shorts Festival. Skateboard Bandits is a character-driven thriller about a band of skateboarders who conspire to take revenge into their own hands - the second time around - and risk life and limb to rob a bank.'s a Bitch on Wheels. A 12-minute drama written, directed and produced by Rich Tola, Skateboard Bandits was completed from start-to-finish in 90 days for $1000. Starring Rich Tola, Anna Christensen, Jonny Haug and Jasmine Sim. Also starring Anthony Lazcano, Ben Thomas and Anthony Rajanayagam. Coming Soon: ALL MIXED UP...when doing the wrong thing, is the right thing to do. R-rated love story about a 25-year old socialite who’s trapped in an abusive relationship and soon to be married, yet yearns for her freedom by way of a torrid, two-week love affair with a man twice her age. For more information: Peace - R

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