Cartoon and motion graphics animation from Mike Boas of Mad Dog Movies. This includes independent work as well as work-for-hire animation produced for Animatus Studio, END Films, and others. Music by Umlala.
In this broadcast, for 3 hours RB went over site features and had on 2 special guests: Our first guest Rachel Chervin, (Development Department at Lorne Michael’s company, Broadway Video: Saturd...
RB spoke for 2-1/2 hours including a 20 minute tutorial on how to best utilize the Stage 32 Happy Writers section. He went over various classes, labs, pitching and coverage opportunities to help our w...
Cartoon and motion graphics animation from Mike Boas of Mad Dog Movies. This includes independent work as well as work-for-hire animation produced for Animatus Studio, END Films, and others. Music by Umlala.