Dear Viewer, This is the Official Short Film for B. K.-Z.'s "COVID-19 E.I.N.S.: E.scape I.nto N.ature S.pace" (2020). Tagline: E.scape I.nto N.ature S.pace Status: Complete. Synopsis: What started in the province Hubei in the city of Wuhan from China as a new infectious plague in December '19, spreads now over our planet Earth. And humanity must once again fight together against an invisible little deadly enemy called COVID-19 (stands for Coronavirus disease 2019)… ...On a quiet cold morning in March 2020, a European of German nationality Long-Haired Natural Redhead White Male Survivor escaping the city of Darmstadt from Hesse, Germany to searching for salvation outside in a forest. But what he finds is only a isolated Wilderness of never-ending silence and the coronavirus behind his back. But he breathes, runs and prays for his life. Will he getting an reply from GOD...!? Additional information: The Official Trailer and the Short Film of B. K.-Z.'s "COVID-19 E.I.N.S.: E.scape I.nto N.ature S.pace" (2020) will be a part of Funeral Master’s "Funeral Coma: Eternal Funeral Places : Part Three" (0000). Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS