Creature of the cemetery (2020) - official short film | B. K.-Z.

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B. K.-Z.

Creature of the Cemetery (2020) - Official Short Film

Dear Viewer, This is the Short Film for Funeral Master's "Creature of the Cemetery" (2020). Tagline: ... Status: Complete. Synopsis: "Since the beginning of my German film works of "F. C.: E. F. P. : Part One" over "Rear Funeral Window" and still an animal has jumped in front of my video camera: Squirrel. This is a Dedication to an unintentional collaboration...“ by Funeral Master, 04-19-2020 Additional information: The Official Teaser and the Short Film of Funeral Master's "Creature of the Cemetery" (2020) will be a part of Funeral Master’s "Funeral Coma: Eternal Funeral Places : Part Three" (0000). Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

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