Sleep is the longing for death (2021) - offizielle kurzvorschau - official teaser | B. K.-Z.

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B. K.-Z.

Sleep is the Longing for Death (2021) - Offizielle Kurzvorschau - Official Teaser

Dear Viewer, This is the Official Teaser for B. K.-Z.'s "Sleep is the Longing for Death" (2021). Tagline: Begehren kann über den Tod... ...hinausgehen. / Desire can go beyond Death Status: In Production... Synopsis: Coming soon... Additional information: "Sleep is the Longing for Death" is the first short film of the „Death, Desire & Despair“ trilogy. A The theme "Schlaf ist die Sehnsucht nach dem Tod" is from Funeral Coma and was written and recorded by Funeral Master between 2017 until 2018 at Funeral Home Studio. And can be purchase here: Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

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