Operations 2017 i children of sumatra | Mohit Sebastian

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Operations 2017 I Children of Sumatra

I have been volunteering with the Children of Sumatra, capturing and making videos for them since 2016, having the opportunity to witness their incredible work and the length they go to find and help these children first-hand. This film briefly captures what they do and their work done in 2017. About the Charity: The Children of Sumatra was set up with the aim of helping children suffering from cleft lip and palate living on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Many families on the island are too poor to pay for a simple operation that can transform their child’s life. Website: http://www.childrenofsumatra.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/children.ofsumatra Charity Donation Page: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/finalCharityHomepage... Selections: 2018 Cause Film Festival (Awarded for Most Uplifting Film Category) 2018 Awareness Festival

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