Talk about apples (sound bite) episode 3 | Lacye A Brown

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Lacye A Brown

Talk About Apples (Sound Bite) Episode 3

In an effort to challenge his (often properly assumed) preconceived notions about the "simples", Dr. Apples sought out to befriend some of the local children. He saw them as boring and plain, always the complainers but never the problem solvers. That's when he met a boy named Eugene. He was a little different from the rest of the kids but Dr. Apples knew he'd never be able to discuss with him the intricacies of most interesting topics. One day Eugene invited Dr. Apples over for dessert and before he was able to think of an excuse he had accepted. Will Dr. Apples be proven correct about the "Simples"? Or will he find he likes his new friend and the delicious dessert he was invited over to enjoy?

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