The oranyn fantasy book trailer | Xaviera Iglesias

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Xaviera Iglesias

The Oranyn Fantasy Book Trailer

This is the trailer I've made for my self-published fantasy novel, The Oranyn, a couple of years back. It's been a long journey. The Oranyn was gifted to me in my dream. I can still remember the details of the origin of my story... I was miserable and broke at 25, I was a copywriter for midrange equipment company. My boss hated everything I wrote. On my 25th birthday, I got drunk and cried myself to sleep. I was starting to hate writing too, a thing that I loved the most and contemplated on quitting my job. Then there it was, that dream that gave me a spark of hope. I wrote every detail I could remember as soon as I woke up the next morning. Life went by, but I still can't shake the dream off. I had to write it. Seven years later, it evolved into a solid novel. The first manuscript was rejected by at least 15 lit agents. So I rewrote it and self-published this time around. I wasn't going to wait again for months just for them to say NO, THANKS. The road to completing The Oranyn was painful, frustrating and at times, hopeless... But, I had a dream, literally I had a dream, and I believed in it and this is what it is now. I sacrificed my sleep, spent time and money on that dream. I'm really happy with it. It may not have been a bestseller, at least not yet, but it is my baby. Now, maybe it's time for my baby to grow up and become either a Limited TV Series or Feature called "Astrofyr". So, here's to me and my sleepless nights of writing the screenplays. Also praying for the CHANCE to be read. Yep, that's all I need, a chance to be read. Enjoy my little silly video. :)

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