Visioni corte (2021): interview with navid nikkhah azad about the recess. | Navid Nikkhah Azad

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Navid Nikkhah Azad

Visioni Corte (2021): Interview with Navid Nikkhah Azad about THE RECESS.

Navid Nikkhah Azad, the director of the acclaimed movie THE RECESS, talked in a conversation known as VISIONI TALK with Visioni Corte International Short Film Festival on SEP 18 which the 10th edition of the festival opened. Q: So, Navid. First of all, welcome. Your movie "The Recess" is inspired by a true story. The story of "Blue Girl". How did you come about the idea of making a movie about this story? A: When the tragedy happened, I did not really react to the tragedy. I just watched how people reacted, the community, the politicians and the mess which was created after this tragedy. Q: So do you think that making a movie about this story could or has inspired people in opening their mind towards art through cinema? A: At that time when the tragedy happened, the real story was distorted by by the Iranian government. Also, by the Iranian media. There are no real facts about this the story. If you search through the internet, you can't really find useful information about who she [Blue Girl] was, what was her background, her history, and her family. Q: One of the reasons that you probably decided to make the movie is to let people know about the story and about the difficult situation that women live not only in Iran. A: I really didn't think about all this. What I was thinking at that time was that this woman, this girl, this person, this human had no background. It was like she was born as a 28 year old girl. No one knew anything about her life. So I thought I should make a movie and give her a past. A past that she doesn't have now. Because no one knows who she was. Q: Are you working on some other project now at the moment? A: Actually I am thinking about the next project. It's also on a social theme. I think it's a very beautiful story. But it's bitter. I hope I can make the movie in in a year or in a year and a half's time. Official website of Navid Nikkhah Azad: Navid Nikkhah Azad on Google News:

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