Saving face (48-hour film project 2011) | Laura Pirard

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Laura Pirard

Saving Face (48-Hour Film Project 2011)

I was almost afraid I wouldn't get the score done in time for this one! I did it all on editing day - the day the film was due. That's what happens when you try wearing more than one hat for a 48-Hour Project, I guess. My acting scene starts at about 4:34; absolutely nothing extraordinary, but everyone starts somewhere, right? Fun fact: I have no car, no license, nada - but I bet you can't tell! I drove that truck for several takes on the back roads in The Middle of Nowhere, NM to film this scene. I'll admit I was pretty nervous at first - especially going over that narrow bridge - but I settled in fairly quickly. Film synopsis: A mysterious masked man creates havoc for a father and his two children while they are broken down in the middle of nowhere. But what he does may not be out of malice. If help was staring you in the face, would you recognize it?

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