"isn't that obvious" graduation short teaser | Marcel Flock

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Marcel Flock

"Isn't that obvious" Graduation Short Teaser

Aaron Strohberg is a filmmaker who wants to pitch his latest flick, Dine and Die, to producer Michael Truffaut. The encounter ends for Aaron in a bar, where he meets Tania Fincher and the meeting of the two changes Aaron's life forever. Written, Photographed, Directed and Produced by Marcel Flock Cast Fred Aaron Blake - Aaron Strohberg Tania Fincher - Tabea Georgiamo Michael Truffaut - Sebastian Becker Tuan Ryu Jin - Ryu Light and Sound Elias Redlitz 1 Ac, 2 Ac, Grip Christopher Schroeter Soundtrack and Mixing Felix Heinl Teaser Song Whistle in the Dark by Cool Cat Music Coming soon

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