RAW POET FILM: Fate and Destiny are two different things...sometimes we meet beautiful losers who with a turn of luck could be so much more...life in all it's manifestions
Trailer del dietro le quinte ufficiale dell'Eurovision Song Contest che si รจ svolto a Torino nel 2022 scritto e diretto da me, montato con Debora Longini, trasmesso su Rai 1 e fruibile al link di Rai...
"Someday" is a Nate McMoney song and video that features authenticity and honesty. The lyrics are a poetic testimonial that allows listeners vicarious relief of oppressed emotion through vulnerability...
RAW POET FILM: Fate and Destiny are two different things...sometimes we meet beautiful losers who with a turn of luck could be so much more...life in all it's manifestions