Avis - original music by brian l.h. gunter (2020) | Brian Gunter

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Brian Gunter

Avis - Original music by Brian L.H. Gunter (2020)

An original piece of music I wrote in 2020. I was learning how to program for orchestral libraries in a DAW. Musically it’s an exercise in developing a theme. Here’s a breakdown from the video: 00:01-00:10, Logo 00:10-00:46, melody introduction (call and answer) by the piano. Soft high string beds support the harmony in the piano left hand. 00:47-01:36, solo violin with solo cello in support picks up the melody. restating the first piano line and then expanding into a secondary melody. 01:37-1:50, the melody takes a break to let the composition breathe while keeping the general motif intact across oscillations of swelling low strings and pizzicato(plucked) high strings. Thing brings the piece to its lowest dynamic before beginning the climactic back half. 01:51-02:22, the energy kicks into a higher gear with fast string ostinatos(repeating patterns) creating heart racing pace without any change in the actual tempo of the piece. This sets the tone as the piece develops into a final stages of theme development. 02:22-02:38, the more violin section takes the melody, again by restating the original piano motif, and French horns from the brass section answer the violins in a countermelody response. 02:39-03:10, the brass (horns and trombones) take over with a new adaptation on melody AND adding weight, power and drama with low brass. Strings become the response to the brass melody and variation in harmony 03:11-03:32, a soaring women’s choir joins the call and answer of the original melody while huge percussion emphasizes the epic scope as the full orchestra swells to the climactic finish 03:33-03:40, end card/contact info I put the video together in 2024, to use in other reels and promos as a composer. I used Pexels to source all of the clips, and Davinci Resolve to edit them together and add some minor effects. I hope you enjoy it!

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