"Mind and Matter" by "Octolab" is directed by Jonas Wolcher. The song is taken from their EP "to be continued...". The video contains many elements from the classic Italian horror movies. The Director Jonas Wolcher used many different layers and transitions to make it very dark and gritty. DoP David Eric Nilsson, Starring Ida Karolin Johansson, Emelie Andersson, Carola Kastell and Malte Aronsson. There were 25 extras in the video and was shot at Oscars and Strandflickorna Hotel and Conference in Lysekil, Sweden between 4/29-4/30 2017. "- I've always loved Italian horror and Clive Barkers "Hellraiser". I wanted "Mind and Matter" to be like a something taken from a horror movie and at the same time a dark gothic horror story." /Jonas Wolcher