In a Cyberpunk dystopia overrun by corruption, crime, and cybernetic gone girls, an impulsive and dangerous low-tech black-market mercenary known as Dopeboy, loses all his memories to a Neural Network hack. Ransomware ransom. Enlisting a death Squad, The Ponyboys, they hunt and overkill Dopeboy's blackmailer. PANDA. Cyberpunk Grindhouse Feature Film. @elmaestrofilms From El Maestro comes the Cyberpunk Grindhouse feature film “Panda,” marking the director's debut on the big screen. Special Thanks: 4th Wall Studios. Taboo Studios. Paper Unicorn Films. Music: No Copyright Tribal Cinematic Drums Alec Koff. Anti-Socials: / elmaestro.fb / el.maestro.films #cyberpunk #cyberpunkmovie #movies #movie #film © 2023 El Maestro / 4th Wall Studios / Taboo Studios / Paper Unicorn Films.