From June 24th to July 4th, you can contribute to my new campaign via the website I am a 35 years old italian stage director. I have been admitted to partecipate at the Lincoln Center Theatre Directors Lab in New York City and I would like to be part of this workshop. It is a really important experience for my profession becuase I will study deeply the contemporary theatre's situation. "The LCT Directors Lab is a developmental program for nurturing stage directors from around the country and around the world. It is a series of workshops, readings, rehearsals, investigations, roundtable discussions, and studio productions to provide young directors with an intensive study of their craft while fostering collaborative relationships among a peer community of artists." LCT "This year the workshop goal is "A playwright's dream - a play goes from the page to the stage. As a Society, our lives and the concerns of the world we live in, are reflected by the plays written in our time. " LCT I need 2500 € for the air travel, visas, subscription subway, health insurance and housing for a month in New York City. I will broadcast a web journal from New York reserved for the sponsors. If you can't give me a contribute please help me to find more sponsors, sending this indiegogo link to your friends. Thanks very much. Lisa