Soul Sailing; the original images behind the song, prior to this video treatment... Spiraling outward from the center of a cosmic singularity is the etheric, androgynous figure of an enraptured soul, discovering for the first time that such a venture is not only possible, it’s fun. Rings of dancing energy envelop the entity, and as if to embrace the very cosmos the entity is dissolving into, its arms are spread upward in an expression of absolute joy and acceptance. Now freed from the boundaries of physicality, the experience of a higher, more subtle form of reality enables it to travel at the speed of thought. In addition to the image it depicts in song, Soul Sailing suggests in the lyric that our intellects get in the way of 'real' knowing, what could be called knowing-beyond-knowing. Perhaps we should use our oft-neglected intuitions a little more, and give our overused intellects (and our egos) a little time off.