Here was the first stop motion animation project I did for the Digital Media Camp up at Camp Woodward during my 8 week film Internship up in Pennsylvania during the Summer of 2010. This one was rather difficult to film mainly because I did it outside and I have always hated doing stop motions outside where the natural light, though nice, always varies and when you're shooting frames can be very unpredictable and sloppy. But, I digress. I kept at it, and I produced a fairly decent animation about a little tripod who wants to fit in at Camp Woodward. This took two and a half weeks to make but was a whole lot of fun and one that I'm fairly proud of. Filmed on a Panasonic HPX-170. NOTICE: This video was created strictly for education/entertainment/research purposes. All music used belongs to their rightful owners and no breach of copyright was intended. Songs in Particular that I'm address here are "On Melancholy Hill" by The Gorillaz and "Memories" by Harold Faultermeyer. Enjoy!