Transporter | Quadiri Bolare

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Quadiri Bolare


Transporter was a finalist in Ron Howard & Canon's Project Imaginat10n film contest. A little too much eye candy in recent sci-fi shorts? I agree. Sci-fi is about to get creepy again! When an introverted teen decides to escape his monstrous family business, he devises an escape plan that's out of this world. Transporter (TRT: 09:56) stars Petronia Paley (2 Days in New York) and features Taimak (Bruce Leroy of The Last Dragon). Fans of cult Sci-Fi cinema, such as “Donnie Darko,” "Upstream Color," and Kōji Morimoto's "Beyond" (The Animatrix) should enjoy what Transporter has to offer. This project was born out of Ron Howard's and Canon's Project Imaginat10n. I'm one of the project's winning photographers. While my image was technically a contest winner, it ultimately wasn't chosen by any of the five celebrity directors to inspire their short films. I certainly wasn't happy about that. But then came a fortunate twist of fate. Canon added a film contest to Project Imaginat10n where five non-celebrity directors will have their films exhibited alongside the films of the five celebrity directors. These films will be released under the banner of Ron Howard Presents… And it just so happened that I was a filmmaker itching to make another film! And it is! Website: Website: Latest News And Updates: IMDB: Note: This film was made within the restrictions of Canon's Project Imaginat10n film contest (less than 10 mins TRT, PG 13, corporate safe, etc ).

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