Musicians what secrets and threats... are hidden in the music staff...and who is hiding the truth? an unforgettable adventure... | Marco Scanu

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Dramatic, ( to pay homage to the Maestro )

Marco Scanu

MUSICIANS What secrets and threats... are hidden in the music staff...and who is hiding the truth? An unforgettable adventure...

What if we could actually find a formula, a spell, a strange alchemy to improve the world's fate and redeem it? Wouldn't that be an unprecedented discovery in the history of mankind? What brings the two main characters together, apart from the private maths lessons? What are they frantically looking for in libraries and on the web? Maybe something that would make you shudder, something that would make you cry and hope... A language of the soul, through which we could try to save the world. Maybe a kind of music? Why not? But how could a kind of music finally inspire positive thoughts to invert the escalation of violence and improve the condition of man? What if just a song could really save the world, which song would you choose? And are you sure that everyone would agree?

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