Fahd Aldajani فهد الدعجاني's Photo "SHARE LOVE" But don’t forget yourself! We always remind people especially younger people to love their Parents, Family... School... Friends etc.… But we forget to tell him or her: hey champ love yourself! I really believe in a simple equation or if you want to call it… A simple theory…: LOVE = FOOD So as all we know the human body can't live for a long time without food and for that also the human soul can't live for a long time without love... Unfortunately at the same time when people suffer from not having enough food there are others who living in a painful life because they didn’t find enough love and care. Which means we have to remind all of us to share love with our family or with our friends at the same time when we share food with them and we can't do that if we didn’t feed and loved ourselves first. So here is the plan young leaders, Before you sleep go ahead to the mirror and tell yourself…: I love you! I love me! And if the mirror answered you! Well that means you need more time to sleep. Fahd Aldajani Actor / Writer / Producer and a member of The EAGLES TOASTMASTERS CLUB #2837151670842959337

"SHARE LOVE" But don’t forget yourself! We always remind people especially younger people to love their Parents, Family... School... Friends etc.… But we forget to tell him or her: hey champ love yourself! I really believe in a simple equation or if you want to call it… A simple theory…: LOVE = FOOD So as all we know the human body can't live for a long time without food and for that also the human soul can't live for a long time without love... Unfortunately at the same time when people suffer from not having enough food there are others who living in a painful life because they didn’t find enough love and care. Which means we have to remind all of us to share love with our family or with our friends at the same time when we share food with them and we can't do that if we didn’t feed and loved ourselves first. So here is the plan young leaders, Before you sleep go ahead to the mirror and tell yourself…: I love you! I love me! And if the mirror answered you! Well that means you need more time to sleep. Fahd Aldajani Actor / Writer / Producer and a member of The EAGLES TOASTMASTERS CLUB

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