Kendra Kunwar's Photo The Face of Khashur A lower caste child of Kashur, a rural Himalayan village of Nepal. The families who inhabit villages such as this are facing an uncertain future as tradition and rural life become increasingly devalued by contemporary political and social change. At the same time, poverty is embedding itself deeper and deeper as the government focuses its social assistance on urban areas and industrializing the economy. Obscured by statistics on paper, it is too oft forgotten that there is a face on the receiving end of this structural neglect. #889843538819297074

The Face of Khashur A lower caste child of Kashur, a rural Himalayan village of Nepal. The families who inhabit villages such as this are facing an uncertain future as tradition and rural life become increasingly devalued by contemporary political and social change. At the same time, poverty is embedding itself deeper and deeper as the government focuses its social assistance on urban areas and industrializing the economy. Obscured by statistics on paper, it is too oft forgotten that there is a face on the receiving end of this structural neglect.

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