Aberration by Lisa Regan - FBI agent Kassidy Bishop is brutally attacked by a serial rapist she had arrested two months prior, who had gotten off on a technicality, and decided she would be next. Someone unties her hands when he is out of the room and places her 9mm in her hands telling her, “He’s coming. You have to do this. Listen for him.” Forty-five degrees. Upward one foot. His body hit the floor. Five years later, corpses start materializing with “For you” stuck to their cadavers. Assigned to the cases as they came up, Kass sees a pattern forming but does not connect the dots until it is almost too late. She is the “you”; saved by the one man who is obsessed with her; keeps killing… for her. http://www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/lisa-regan/ www.lisaregan.com