Introduce Yourself : Pete Mnych by Peter Mnych

Pete Mnych

Hi to all Stage 32 members! My names Pete and I live in East London. I'm looking to build my Network within the Film industry, take a look at the promo film below which I worked on with Factory 311 and was added to my Modelling profile at AMCK Modelling, London. As well as modelling and acting I have written 3 films and I'm looking to collaborate with like minded professionals. Drop me a line if you want to connect. Thanks, Pete

THE LOST from FACTORY311 on Vimeo.

Steve Lareau

Look's very good Pete.

Alistair Melville

Very nice Peter, I'm moving to Hampshire early next year if you need some more great music to go with this lovely track do let me know. Best wishes with all your projects.

William Withem

Good morning, Peter Mnych. Best wishes from New York City.

Peter Mnych

Thanks guys all the best to you all

Sara Dee

Looking Good there Peter

Laszlo Gyorgy

It's a nice short and you're a good character such as a western hero. :) Best wishes!

Peter Mnych

Thanks Laszio And your right I would really like to be in a western!! Cheers pete

Alla Andersen

Great job Peter Thk

Peter Mnych

Thanks Alla,good luck with everything

Burak Kanar

Hi Peter, it was a very good job, both from your part and the studio's. Congratulations!

Peter Mnych

Thank you Burak the guys are really cool it's was a fun morning

Burak Kanar

Oh, I'm glad you had a good time. Afterall, isn't that all what this industry's about?

James David Sullivan

"But Trinity told me that I was the one!" ;-)

Peter Mnych

We are about to find out :)

James David Sullivan

"Now, just where did I park my car?";-)

James David Sullivan

Best of luck with all of your projects!

Peter Mnych
Peter Mnych

Thanks James ,you too!

Peter Mnych

Thanks Joey

Sara Dee

You do indeed have an amazing 'look' that showreel is enticingly watchable.

Peter Mnych

Thank you Sara I'm ready to work!!

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