In my script, my main character chats online in a chat room, engaging in individual chats with strangers. How do I write this in proper screenplay format? Do I write these conversations as regular dialogue? I would greatly appreciate any input!
In my script, my main character chats online in a chat room, engaging in individual chats with strangers. How do I write this in proper screenplay format? Do I write these conversations as regular dialogue? I would greatly appreciate any input!
That's a very interesting question. I don't know the answer myself, but I would ask; is there a voice-over or are we just seeing the character typing?
No voice-over. We see her sitting at her laptop and we see what she is typing., in close-up. We also see the typed responses appears on her screen, also in close-up.
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I'd format it by typing ONSCREEN: then whatever they are typing. Always on a new line. Just make it clear in the big print before this that she is typing on the laptop so the reader knows what screen you're referring to.
One of my shorts involves a chatroom conversation for the first three-quarters. Happy to share this with you if you like, Stephen.
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Check out Nora Ephron's "You've Got Mail". She handled it with voice overs but at times the audience also sees what is being typed.
Yes, Pierre. I would love to see how you handled it. Could you send it to me (just couple of pages)?
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Thanks to all for the input.