Cinematography : Critique request by Jas Nada

Jas Nada

Critique request

I recently started shooting a feature film titled "Monsters" and I've gathered a few stills for critique. They can be seen at: Any critiques are welcome.

Franz Salvatierra

I really like shot 8 from every aspect. Shots 7 and 12 are problematic to me, for one, if the blue fill coming in is supposed to be moonlight, it feels a little too saturated, bright and harsh. I assume it was a kino or diva w/ blue bulbs and you were tungsten balanced? It should probably have been pulled further back and diffused if you were going for a more realistic look. Also, the saturation of the yellow wall is very different which suggests that the white balance was changed. It isn't necessarily a problem. It's just a technicality I noticed. Easily fixed in post if you didn't intend for that.

Royce Allen Dudley

Jas- interesting looks. I like it. What's the film about ? Franz- The yellow wall is lit in 7 from an interior yellow gelled source and cool exterior mix- you are seeing that, right ?; in 12 the interior light is ambient and neutral; the talent is cool lit from the front. No suggestion the slight difference in the left wall section yellow 7-12 is anything other than time of day and in fact I'd guess " white balance" per se is not an issue here at all. These are clean looking still preview images and I am intrigued by the human drama captured- which is the goal in narrative cinema.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi Jas - you should upload the photos here on Stage 32 so people can see them stream on their home pages and comment on them.

Jas Nada

Franz, good catch on the difference in yellow. These aren't final images, but I'll have to tweak that when I get into the editing room. We're shooting this with a very low budget, so all the lighting is either practical and/or a few 500watt or 160watt LED panels. Royce, The story is about four people (haven't shot with the fourth actor yet) who are in various stages of decaying relationships. Their lives are intertwined, so they all invariably affect one another. Julie, I wasn't sure where to upload them to, so they'd show up here. I'll look into it. Thank you. Thanks for the input so far. It's much appreciated as this is my first cinematography gig and I want to make sure I give the director a clean/pretty movie, visually.

Steve Smith

Do you need a distributor for your feature film? Let me know as I have a friend who is a distributor and looking for films that need distribution. Get back to me and I will pass your info on to him. Thanks

Jas Nada

We won't be done shooting until after January and then will need a number of months in post to wrap up, but if your friend is interested in talking about what he thinks the future (distribution-wise) for this film is like we'd love to chat with him. Feel free to send him our way, Steve. Thanks!

Jas Nada

I added some new stills to this site this time instead of Facebook:

Jas Nada

Here's a quickly cut and un-color corrected teaser I put together:

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