Introduce Yourself : A shout out to all my new friends on Stage 32! by Chris Boardman

Chris Boardman

A shout out to all my new friends on Stage 32!

Thanks a heap to RB and Shannon Stegall for having me on the show last Wednesday! Big fun!!! Looking forward to my webinar: "Get Into The Creative Zone- 6 Steps to refine your creative process next Tuesday!!!

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Chris - Enjoyed your live interview on Wednesday. Very inspiring. Also looking forward to the upcoming webinar. My girlfriend's a composer, so for that fact alone I think it's a mandatory watch for us, but I can see how this could be a great opportunity for any creative. Can hardly wait. Forever a fan!

Angela Grayden

My guy heard you on the show last week. Now won't shut up about it. Thanks a lot! ;-) Seriously though any chance of a recorded version of your next one? Traveling on Tuesday. :-(

Chris Boardman

Tomasz!!! high praise indeed. You've set the bar high :) Thanks for the kind words.

Dara Taylor

I'm excited for your webinar Chris! As a composer, I'm always looking for new approaches to creativity - thanks for being such a good friend to Stage 32!

Chris Boardman

Angela- It will be recorded. You do not have to be present.

DJ Far

Chris, great to have you in the community. Looking forward to your webinar next week!

Amanda Toney

SO so glad to have you involved in this community, Chris! It is a real honor getting to work with you :)

Richard "RB" Botto

In all seriousness, the pleasure was all mine, Chris. I was blown away by not only your industry knowledge, but your social media savvy as well.

Chris Boardman

aw shucks (blushing)....It was fun! Give me a soapbox- I'm there!!! :)

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