Introduce Yourself : Hello by Tara Lynn Marcelle

Tara Lynn Marcelle


Hi, I'm Tara Lynn Marcelle, a casting director, filmmaker, and screenwriter based in Charlotte, NC. I cast for a TV show called It's Supernatural, as well as for feature films. I've been privileged to write several features that have been produced and have received distribution or done well in the festival circuit. Currently, I'm writing my own feature and working on a short film I wrote and directed that's in post-production. Looking forward to connecting and networking.

Amanda Toney

So great to have you in this community, Tara Lynn! Sounds like you have awesome stuff going on - definitely let us know how your feature and short go!

Pierre Langenegger

Hi Tara, welcome aboard.

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Tara! It's great to have a creative such as yourself on S32. I look forward to checking out your work.

Shawn Speake

Wow! Nice profile too. Impressive!

Eric Pagan

Welcome to Stage 32!

Stacy Gentile


Johnny Farrell

Hi Tara, great to see you here!

Abdulai Barrie

am an actor, i need an opportunity to explore my talent if called,

Michael J Smyth

Hi Tara, great to see you here. Good luck with the feature !

Stanley Earl Alston

You do wonderful things continued success.

Elijah Fritchman

Hi! Great to see you here! I am a 16 year old actor based out of NYC and had the pleasure of working with Richard Speight Jr. From Supernatural on a Pepsi commercial. Great guy great show :)

Daniel Madzel

Welcome! Never stop being creative, your profile and experience certainly show you have been busy having fun! If you ever are interested in producing an animated series down the road, keep me in mind. Nice to meet you!

Phyllis A. Collmann

Good-Morning from Chicago. The first book of my Pioneer Series of 8 books has been written into a Movie Script by Frank Di Muccio of Calif. I am a retired nurse from a nursing home. After I retired at 68 years old I wrote my first book. Love to you.

Rick Jey

Great story! I wish you the best with all projects. If you ever need a seasoned actor please keep me in mind. I am fortunate to be busy in my golden years of acting. Rick Jey

Phyllis A. Collmann

To Rick Jey, please get in touch with Frank Di Muccio of Calif.

Rick Jey

Okay. Thanks. I will.

Curtis McGann

Tara, welcome to Stage32. This is a great community of people who are all very helpful. Congratulations on your success so far in your career. I look forward to see what else your career holds for you in the future. If you are in need of actors for your TV show and/or feature and short film, please keep me in mind. My resume and links are listed in my profile and also on my website: Thank you. Best of luck in everything you do!

CK Steefel

Hi Tara; Congrats on all your successes! Nice to meet you!

Rick Lance

Hi Tara... nice to meet you! Let me know when you're ready for that voice over/narrator! Be well!

Hank Nae

hi ok u got me in, what did u say u looking for ? lol

Rick Jey

Tara, I also have skills in narration from my 30+ years in radio broadcasting, commercial copy delivery, etc. I will, in the next few weeks be in Tucson AZ with a narration and character delivery for a new film in development called "Sacred Ground" (The A'tahsaia Project) directed by Stage 32 member Robert David Olsen.

Lawrence R. Kotkin


Rick Jey

Thanks Lawrence.

Jisen John Ho

Very impressive! Welcome.

Rene' Perez

I would love to audition for you sometime. I have done plays and some films as an extra, but I am looking to do more film roles with speaking parts. I was an extra in Draft Day that came out last year. My daughter's movie, Old Fashioned, is coming out Valentines Day 2015. She is SAG eligible. She was 4 when she filmed it and she is 7 now. She wants to do more movies as well.

Liz Warner

Welcome Tara, Glad to have you here.

Rick Jey

Thank you Jisen John Ho.

Tara Lynn Marcelle

Thank you! A lot of nice and talented people here...

Shari D. Frost

Welcome Tara!

Renee Horton

Hi Tara! I actually grew up and still have my immediate family in Greenville SC. Some of my best friends live in Charlotte. I'm an actress in LA now! Would love to chat about your films and shows you cast for. I could also go catch up w my friends too. My website: Also break a leg with the film!

Rick Jey

Thanks Renee Horton. I will be entering your website in just minutes. Rick Jey.

Jon Harrison Taylor

Welcome Tara!

Ben Phelps

Welcome Tara to the stage 32 community! I'd love to assist you in any way I can if there's an opportunity!

John Fort


Tara Lynn Marcelle

Renee - I think we have some mutual friends. I wrote My Name is Paul for Trey and Vanessa Ore, and two of Cornelius Muller's last films - one in post and the other in pre...both directed by Burgess Jenkins from One Tree Hill and The Young and the Restless. I also wrote Jason Campbell's film, Virtuous. So I'm sure we have a lot of southeast film people in common!

Phil Fiumano

Very Cool Name !

Nick Kypros

All the best.

Mitch Darnell

Congrats on all you've got going, Tara! I'm betting you've got some GREAT days ahead!!

Thomas Wolke

If you're interested, please drop by the Carolina Film Community meet up the first Tuesday of every month. You can find us on I'm sure you'll find some interesting people working on such TV shows as Homeland and Banshee.

Adra Janean Fenstermaker

Congratulations to you and much successes in the future :)

Tara Lynn Marcelle

Thomas - I've been! Hard for me to get out lately though.

Thomas Wolke

Well, if you do, Tara, we'd be pleased to meet you.

Amy Lloyd

Tara, I love hearing about all your work. Doesn't it feel good to be i a stream of creativity? I produced a short film in November and now am gearing up to act in another short I wrote come March. And my book is out on Amazon ( Molly's Mystical Meals ( and other morsels of magick!) Thank you for sharing all your good news. Look forward to the day we work together. Best, Amy

Anna Cate Donelan

Nice to meet you! We are in the southeast as well!

Donny Broussard

Hello, Tara!

Tara Lynn Marcelle

That's great Steve. They've since moved their entire studio to Charlotte.

Abdulai Barrie

am looking forward to work with you....

Stanley Earl Alston

It I can help let me Know.

Shelley Reid

Hi Tara! Sounds like you have a lot of positive things going on. Congratulations and welcome. I've auditioned for television and features filmed in North Carolina through the Fincannons since the late eighties. If you ever need a law enforcement type, I'm your man! See my page at: Best wishes to you in all endeavors!

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