Filmmaking / Directing : Pilots by Shashu Hewett

Shashu Hewett


What's the process for a pilot to be picked up? Who judges them? Are they watched by a focus group, test group? What's the process of the pilot being picked up? Thanks in advance!

Augustas Liiv

There was a good webinar on Stage32 about it recently.

Regina Lee

In short, network heads make the decision, and they may well test screen the pilot and focus group it. But not always.

Shashu Hewett

Thank y'all. Augustas, would you happen to have a link to the webinar. Regina, so I assume, the pilot is shot and submitted through agents and then the process may occur as you laid it out?

Regina Lee

@S.W., sorry to say I'm now quite confused. Are you referring to network pilots or completely independently produced pilots?

Regina Lee

I've only skimmed this piece on network TV, but it seems pretty accurate from a quick perusal. Please do a little Googling on "how tv show pilots work." If you still have questions, I will try to answer them.

Shashu Hewett

@regina. Thank you.

Regina Lee

My pleasure.

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