I realize there are huge variables here -- budget, time frame, scope of work, et cetera. And, of course, there is the concept/design phase and the creation/fabrication phase. But still? I look at these incredible sets and watch "behind the scenes" but I never quite understand the time involved. Can someone elaborate? Thanks!
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I'm certainly not speaking with any authority here but I did some PA work on a friend's feature a couple years back. They had free use of a scout hall for a weekend to shoot the basement scenes The hall doesn't have a basement so they constructed a set consisting of two rooms and a fake staircase leading down into the rooms. The schedule was to construct Saturday morning, film Saturday and Sunday and tear down Sunday night. I was impressed but I was also impressed with their schedule as they shot their feature in 13 days.
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Wow, that is impressive, Pierre!
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Something that I wanted to explore was the use of Blender combined with actual built props.
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It really depends on the set. We typically have a few weeks working with the director and cinematographer on design and functionality. Most of the time we do most of the work in our shop for a week or two then transport to the studio and have 1-2 days installing. If you have something specific I can give you a better idea of timeline.
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A great deal depends on how motivated and hard-working your crew is. Did you see Kick-Ass? Many of the interior scenes, IIRC, were created in sets that were built in something like two weeks. It looked great on film.
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If you're fortunate enough to get authentic locations, as we are for this current project, little to no "building" is required, only dressing. We are using several museums, which is super-sweet as this story I'm Art Director on is set in 1910! https://vimeo.com/226937883/360c6231d1
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Design+ Budget = Schedule is one way to consider it.
Sets can go up in a day or two from prefab kits including custom paint colors, trim, and dressing, or take months to stand, finish, paint and detail. Do you see a big difference ? Often, none. Sometimes, lots.Depends on the coverage and the cut.
I have been running the back end of 5 soundstages with a scene shop the last 3 years, and assure you a huge variety of sets can be up in 1-3 days with existing flats and set pieces, add 1 day if it is from scratch; anything purely custom and huge and detailed ( mouldings, wallpaper, exotic sculpting, detailed scifi) takes longer, but you have to remember sets are not real, so while a real house takes months to a year, a set can be days. It only has to look real. An airplane or spacecraft can take quite a while; less time if components like hatch doors and switch panels are rented from prop houses. Many architecture-based sets are fast, but if you want to copy something known, like the Oval Office, that also can take a while. It's about details.
I do recall a project I DP'd a few years ago ( HOUSE OF THE WOLF MAN) where we had 5 weeks from budget greenlight to finish of principal photography; the period castle sets from tower to dungeon including miniatures were built from scratch in 2 weeks; the film was all soundstage other than an exterior drive in the rain and lightning up at a Hollywood Hills home, although that also had a facade put up and taken down in a few hours, along with rain towers and Xenon lightning simulation. The production designer was well known as having a great art department and a great mind for his work... best set I ever had in front of my lens.
Often a set is cheaper than an actual location depending on where you are; in L.A., a bar or restaurant is insanely expensive to shut down for production; standing sets of that ilk on controlled stages are far cheaper. even a small piece of an existing location is often easier to copy and shoot on a stage. Location shooting is usually costly for all but the tiniest of films.
And then there is control. Ever try to fly a wall or remove the ceiling in a location to light the scene ? Exactly.