Since earning my BA and MFA I've been working on numerous projects. I've completed seven screenplays with a writing partner and three individual scripts. Our script, Ashes, was a quarter finalist in the BlueCat screenplay competition. The others have received varying degrees of positive and, uh, I'll call it "constructive" feedback. I'm a huge fan of Eric Bogosian and John Leguizamo's stage work and I've completed three hour-long (more or less) monologues for the stage as a trilogy. The first, Living with Women, finished second in Writer's Digest play writing competition a few years back. The second, Holding Court, had a successful run at Chicago's LaCosta Theatre and was chosen as a Red Eye "pick of the week." The final installment, Dadville, has yet to find a home (but it would help if I actually submitted it somewhere). Lately I've been focused on a spec TV pilot featuring a female protagonist with her own dental practice who's an atheist and her believing, choir-director husband called Pulling Teeth. Their two children (whose combined age makes them a preteen) have yet to figure out their spiritual allegiance. And, of course, I have a bunch of short stories and a novel (plus a handful of outlined and partially-completed novels) in a drawer (actually, they're on a flashdrive, but you know what I mean). Thanks for inviting me to introduce myself.
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Thank YOU for introducing yourself, Pablo! Just curious, have you checked into the Happy Writers yet? Sounds like a great project you're working on!
Thanks, Shannon. I'll definitely look into Happy Writers. Joey, active...maybe. Not as active as I'd like to be.
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Any fan of Bogosian is a friend of mine. Terrific to have you here, Pablo. Hope to see you around more often.