Introduce Yourself : And even now it's snowing... by David Chase

David Chase

And even now it's snowing...

But it's also the first day of spring so who cares? This, too, shall pass. I grew up in West Brattleboro, Vermont. There aren't a lot of people who can say that. My first time away was in the U. S. Coast Guard but then I came back home, married, had a family, eventually divorced and married Susan who has made all the difference. For a number of years I wrote a weekly column for the local newspaper. People either loved it or hated it - there were never any undecideds, but even the people who hated it and wrote letters to the editor wanting me fired seemed to have read every one of them. Doesn't make sense, but then, so little does. One of the columns was about a really awful season with a local theater company. They did six shows and five of them were awful so I said so. Well. The letters to the editor steamed in - 150 column inches one Saturday. It became clear that it wasn't important whether the shows were any good, the fact that they happened at all was the important thing and the artists should be supported. One of the critics said if I knew so much I should write my own play, which I eventually did. It's called "As Fair As You Were" and was eventually produced by the company I'd panned all those years earlier. It's still one of the biggest gates for a 6 performance run they've ever had. Want to read it? You can download a free PDF of the script here: Then I wanted to see if I could write a novel. It took from 1989 to 2012, but I did it. "Grants Ferry" is available on Amazon as either a paper or Ebook edition. Find it here: I've begun a new novel but so far it's been a heavy slog. "Grant's Ferry", in the meantime, could be an excellent basis for a mini-series. Check it out and see what you think.

Grants Ferry
Grants Ferry
Following a thirty year absence, Kenneth Forbes is summoned back to his home town, Grants Ferry, Vermont, to settle his recently deceased Aunt Fanny's estate. Still furious at his escape all those yea…
Tim McLaughlin

Hi David, I spent about 3 years in Keene when I was a kid in the mid-60s. Beautiful place.

David Chase

You might also be a bit familiar with Brattleboro. Two distinctly different towns. Keene has by far more neckties per capita. But I haven't lived in Brattleboro for 15 years. Susan and I had 6 years in Sonoma County, California, and almost five years in Northamptonshire, England. We've been in Keene, Susan's home town, since the spring of 2011. Moving around like that has made me able to settle most anywhere and find friends of like mind.

Hans Nielsen

Hi, been through Brattleboro on a bike tour. Looks like Grants Ferry is getting some very good customer reviews.

David Chase

It's doing okay. Hasn't reached the tipping point yet, but it's doing okay. Check it out and see what you think.

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