Success Stories: MAR'27 Nominate Richard Botto for an award for inventing Stage 32

Stephanie J. Castillo

Nominate Richard Botto for an award for inventing Stage 32

Which award should we submit to?? Let's do it and acknowledge him and this marvelous creation!!

Margaret Taylor

We could always just make up an Award for him!!! I'm sure with all the creative types on this site, we could come up with something! How about: Creator of World's Best Creative Family Community? We could shorten it to The Annual WBCFC Award...

Phil Parker

I second the nomination, fo sure!! Does Nobel have a prize for Webs Business Awesomeness? :-)

Stephanie J. Castillo

I was thinking we could get Pres. Obama to award him Entrepreneur honors, for RB's support of artist everywhere! Let's get creative here.

Stephanie J. Castillo

We're a network! Someone among us must know. More of us need to know about his movement to "award" RB. How do we do that, S32 friends. Who would know???

G. K. Holland

I hope you are all serious because I am all for that even though I just joined this network. I have been made and inspired to feel most welcome and it is a joy to feel that in addition to the many worthwhile career tools and network assets available here. RB for President lol But seriously some kind of petition should be started and sent out to numerous honor organizations. Amen.

G. K. Holland

Cool, pls keep me abreast with this Kathryn

Janet Caulfield

I'm all for it!

Stephanie J. Castillo

Well said, very well said!! Boomer, I think you've articulated so well they why of this award. Thank you. Let's continue to ask others to post their whys here. With that we will get the makings of an award application and nomination. thank you all!

Denise Buckley

It is a brilliant site, and puts you right into the middle of show business

Lesley Carlin

Wow, something from my former career is relevant here! I'd recommend campaigning for the Webby Awards. Nominations open in September. Several categories might apply (they have dozens). But they usually have something like employment or networking site and I could totally see Stage 32 winning, especially the People's Choice award. (The Webby Awards staff picks one winner in each category but anyone can vote for the People's Choice winner from amongst that category's finalists... both winners, if they're different, get to accept their award.) Also: the ceremony is a blast (or at least it was the year I went). They only allow 5-word acceptance speeches.

Timothy A. Satrom

Hey Stephanie! You've come up with an absolutely marvelous idea!... Hey Lesley! I agree. The Webby Awards is a fantastic idea!... Hey RB! You're the man!!

Larenzo Simmons

He has my vote!

Aaron Majewski

This is a great idea, RB has my vote :)

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

I love this positive thread. RB will be humbled by this... but that's okay... Stephanie great post... Lesley fantastic idea ... Webby Awards... we should get together in late August and DO IT. I'm also up here in Canada, but am willing to help out anyway I can. This is very exciting.

Clark Blomquist

EXCELLENT IDEA! Stage 32 has turned around my enthusiasm for communication via the web. Nothing else has the simplicity and flexibility of this site. Just look at the confirmation on this topic.

Debbie Elicksen

RB, you're the best.

G. K. Holland

ok lets organize and make this happen for RB!

Aaron Majewski


Aaron Majewski

How about; how many can we find!

Stephanie J. Castillo

Hi you all fans of RB. I am watching and see all the comments; I am in the middle of editing and can't do more than watch right now for a while. But tally ho to you who can get this done!!! thanks for your fanship!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi everyone! I want to chime in to this thread. We would love nothing more than to have RB written about in Entrepreneur, Inc. or Fast Company Magazine, so maybe we can put together something from our community to send to one (or all) of the magazines so they will feature RB and our awesome community?? Any ideas on how we can make this happen?

CJ Walley

I'm always more than happy to help contribute a positive testimonial about Stage 32 or what an amazing guy RB is.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Brandi - Think that is a great idea! We can compile everyone's testimonials about not just RB, but about Stage 32 and our community - we can bring these "blurbs" to the magazines and newspapers and see if they'll write about how awesome our community is and the person who leads it! If anyone wants to write a blurb, just send it to me in a DM and I'll compile them for Shannon or Amanda.

Aaron Majewski

I am writing a blurb now, will send it to you Julie as soon as it is done.

Aaron Majewski

or um lol, as soon as I can add you to my network.

Stephanie J. Castillo

Julie, sorry, what is DM??? writing something up from me!

Stephanie J. Castillo

Thanks Brandi!!! Is that a social media term?? not sure why I didn't know.

Aaron Majewski

DM came from the internet... somewhere lol.

Aaron Majewski

That'll work!

Aaron Majewski

I would hath as well, except you can only DM people in your network...which sounds wrong dosn't it lol.

Aaron Majewski

lol funny, and yes I have tried that, waiting for her to accept I guess.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

I got Brandi and Kathryn's blurbs in.... made me teary-eyed! Thank you. I love our community :)

CJ Walley

Julie, can you accept my connection request please? Or advise on another way to send you a testimonial.

Aaron Majewski

lol I second Walley's sentiment...

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Sorry guys! Behind on accepting network requests :) Done!

CJ Walley

Thank you, Julie :)

Aaron Majewski

Thank you and sending blurb :)

Stephanie J. Castillo

RB is a creative and a genius, who put this idea together where he saw a void and decided to fill it. By following his instincts, his love for his fellow creatives, and his understanding of the difficult and challenging career we creatives have chosen, he has made our lives not only easier as we become a community, but also brighter as we shooting stars rise with courage and encouragement.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

I am so inspired by what everyone is writing! Thank you so much... Love to you all!

Angela VanZandt Bumpass

I agree! Stage 32 is an ethical company akin to finding a bird nest on the ground.

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