Introduce Yourself : Hello from South Florida! by Matt de Rojas

Matt de Rojas

Hello from South Florida!

Hello! My name is Matt de Rojas. I am an independent filmmaker, though I'm also interested in television production. I just graduated with a Bachelor's in Communication and Multimedia Studies at Florida Atlantic University and created 4 short films while in college. I am trying to develop more shorts as well as longer-term projects at the moment. In addition to (co-)writing, producing, and directing films, I also have experience as an editor, camera operator, and composer. I've been on Stage 32 for a few years, though admittedly I haven't always been active on here. I can always use the networking, though! My online portfolio is at Thank you for your attention and I look forward to hearing from you. Matt

Richard "RB" Botto

Hope you'll be spending more time on the site, Matt. One of the reasons I started this site was to give students the opportunity to network while they were in school so they would have the jump when they got out!

Matt de Rojas

Thanks, RB. I appreciate that, I actually joined while still in college. Although I didn't have a lot of time back then to really do much on the film front. Now that I'm out, hopefully I can find that time.

Matt de Rojas

Thanks, Joey! Just doing what I can!

Richard "RB" Botto

Definitely looking forward to seeing you around more, Matt.

Matt de Rojas

Yeah, and I'm definitely looking forward to being around more!

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic, Matt!

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