Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter by Ashea Goldson

Ashea Goldson


Hi, I'm Ashea, a novelist turned screenwriter from Atlanta. I'm originally from New York City. I've been trying to navigate the industry as I write and ghostwrite scripts. I am hoping for a steady stream of writing work.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Ashea - welcome to Stage 32! If you haven't yet, you should definitely check out the Happy Writers tab (main menu). From pitchfests and pitch sessions to education and opportunities - this will set you on the right path. Have you written many screenplays already - you can also add synopsis to your account if you're interested in others taking a look at it.

Benjamin Alany

Nice, best of luck to you in your journey. How are you liking Atlanta?

Ashea Goldson

Tomasz, yes, I've written a few already. I will check out Happy Writers. Thanks!

Ashea Goldson

Benjamin, thanks, and I'm loving Atlanta!

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